When Olive and Cajetan came to the world our life turned upside down. Nothing has been the same. The number of challenges with the twins was overwhelming and of course, we tried to somehow cope with each of them. One such challenge was the growing a number of terms and tasks to be planned and memorized. It was that time when my husband made the first planner for our needs. The planner worked great for us and it was much easier to control all sorts of events and tasks. Many of our friends liked our planner so much that they asked us to make one for them as well. Then it turned out that friends of our friends saw our planner and also asked us to do one for them. It became obvious to me that there is no point to go back to work after maternity leave and I have decided I will start my own planner business. After several months of refining technology, designs and the whole mass of other trinkets, the light of day saw the brand Planu.